Saturday, 23 March 2013

Easter Craft ~ Bunny Art

Here is an easy Easter Craft that is great to hang up around the home or to give as a gift.

You will need:

Part 1.
* Large piece of paper
* Fabric Scraps
* Glue and Paint brush (We used a mixure of PVA with a little water)

Part 2.
* Finished paper with fabric scraps
* Scissors
* Glue Stick
* Pencil
* Bunny Template
* Backing Card
* Photo Frame

This is the part where you can get the kids involved and then transform one art work into another! You don't have to use fabric scraps either; paintings and drawings would work great too and if you've aready started eating some choccies you might have some foil wrappers! (If you've been looking for an excuse to start eating some of those eggs early here it is, hehehe)

Stick fabric scraps to the paper using the glue mixture and brush. Try and make sure that the scraps are glued close together. They don't have to match up, you can even overlap them a little if don't want any gaps at all.

Once the page is all covered let it dry completely. We left it for a few days before starting the second part.
One art work about to be turned into another :)
Once it's all dry you can start the second stage. For this you will need to find a bunny template that you like. I just googled 'bunny template' and searched until I found the one I liked.

Turn the fabric paper over and trace around your bunny shape on to the back. Depending on how big your paper was you may be able to get a few bunny cut outs. We also cut out a few egg shapes too :) Take care when cutting the shapes out and if you are letting your child cut them out please use your judgement and supervise where nessasary.

Now that you have your shapes, cut a piece of coloured card to the size of your photo frame. Using the glue stick, attach the shape the card. Because of how the fabric and glue may have dried it might be a bit bumpy nad hot glue down flat. I found that placing a really heavy book on top of the art work for a little while helped flatten it out :)

Pop it in the frame and ta-da! Bunny art, that can be hung or placed around the house some where for an instant Easter feel! This isn't just for Easter time though, I'm sure it would look great on the wall all year round and the shapes you can make are only limited to your or your childs imagination!!
Don't just limit yourself to a bunny in a frame either. We also laminated one and the egg shapes too and made this for sticking on the fridge! A laminated one would also make a great little placemat for breakfast on Easter morning too!! :)

Another master piece for the fridge!

I hope you enjoy this little Easter craft, I'd love to see some pics of your creations!


Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Random Acts of Kindness

oooo I wonder what this is all about...?
Random Act of Kindess....I posted the other day on facebook asking what your thoughts were about them and if you do them. Sometimes they are planned, like giving blood or baking for a friend in need, sometimes they just present themselves in front of you and in the moment that you acted you may have unknowly made someones day just that little bit easier.

I love doing acts of kindness when I can, whether it's by letting someone in front of me at the supermarket, helping someone pick something up off a high shelf in the shops, or watching a friends children so that she can have a bit of time out.

I've also been lucky enough to have people do random acts of kindness for me, like the gentleman who offered to take the baby trolley back to Aldi for me the other day when he saw I was struggling with a screaming newborn and a nagging 3yr old on a hot day. I thanked him over and over as he walked away, little did he know how much that one gesture meant to me.

I have been wanting to return some love to the universe and do my own act of kindness with some Leegirl Pretties. I love the feeling I get when I create something, but what I love even more is sharing that with someone and seeing how much they love it too! Something else I also love is that little buzz you get when an unexpected parcel arrives in the mail, there is nothing like wondering who sent you something and what is it. Seeing a parcel in the mail always makes me smile!

So whats does all this mean and how will it work, I hear you say...?

Will they be hopping to a mail box near you?
There are two parts to my act of kindness.

Firstly, see the pretty jar with the papers in it? On those papers are the names of my lovely customers who have placed orders with me since the start of December last year up until now. I will be drawing out one name and one of the bunnies will be hopping into their letter box! Easy! :)

If the person who recieves the bunny doesn't have a little (or big) someone in their home to love it I would encourage them to perform their own act of kindness and pay it forward. The choice is theirs :)

The second part involves YOU! I want you to tell me who you think deserves a little bunny to hop into their letter box! You can comment here on the blog, under the post that I will pin to the top of the LeegirlPretties facebook page, or you can email me (please rememeber to provide me with your email address so I can contact you).

I will then choose one of the nominees and ask that provide me with their postal address so we can give them the buzz of recieving some unexpected mail that will hopefully brighten their day a little. (This means that you will have to keep the person you nominate a secret! I won't be telling who nominated them either!)

You will need to be quick though! You have until 8pm Thursday (21st March) to nominate someone so that I can get it in the post and hopefully to them before Easter :)

I will not be annoucing who the bunnies are going to because it would ruin the surprise. If that person contacts me and is happy for me to share I will, if not, it will just be my little secret. :)

So 'HOP' to it! ;)


***please note, this is only open to Australian residents. Any information given is solely for the purpose of our Random Act of Kindness and will not be shared or forwarded on to any 3rd parties.